Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Last week was a week that I would not like to repeat anytime soon.  It wasn't too bad, just painful.  I had some oral surgery a week ago and I'm just now getting the point where I don't have to take ibuprofen every few hours.  Eating has been interesting.....yeah, I don't recommend this diet.  :)   Mr. E has been wonderful, he cooked things I could actually eat, he's so great!  Needless to say, in this process, I've had lots of downtime.  That can be a good thing, but for me, it gives me lots of time to think.

I'm learning something about myself.  If I am not careful I can let my mind start to run in all different directions.  I am really good at coming up with scenarios in my head and going with them. These can be both good and bad scenarios.  I can wonder about things and/or try to figure out how I can do them or fix them. I will even spend time second guessing myself on things that have already happened, did I do it right?, what didn't I do right?, was that what I was supposed to do in the first place?, etc.  Most of the time when I begin to think this way, I forget to turn to God.  I forget that He already has a plan and direction for me to go.  I forget that His ways are higher than my ways, His thoughts higher than my thoughts.  I forget that He can take my messes and turn them into something good.  After this past week, I need to remember to pray to have God "capture my thoughts" (as a friend always tells me) and begin to dwell on Scripture to help me turn my thoughts towards Christ.

Sidenote.  This is something I read yesterday that I want to remember in the future when I read through this blog again someday.  It was in the context of losing a spouse.

That person can either be a spring of gratitude and joy, or they can be a fountain of bitterness and pain.  It is entirely up to you.

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