Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mother's Day

I have the best mom.  I know I wrote a post a few months ago about my family and mentioned how great my mom is, but it is definitely worth talking about again.  I call her all the time, asking all kinds of questions because I think she knows something about everything.  I still have yet to figure out how she does everything that she does.  She is a great wife, mom, teacher, author, quilter, gardener, household manager (that's a broad category!) and a bunch of other things, the list could go on and on.  She loves all of us kids very much and although we aren't perfect and can be aggravating :), she still loves us anyway.  Her attitude through the adversity in her life is amazing, leaning on the Lord through things that I don't know that I would be able to handle as well as she does. I would consider my mom the best mentor in my life, spiritually and in the everything else.  She is a great example to me and I hope that I will be just like her.  However, she does set the bar high as a mom.

This post doesn't do her justice, but hopefully it gives her a little credit for all she has done for me. I'm so thankful that God gave her to me as my mom.

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