I'm so behind!! I've got lots to do today, but when life is so busy, what better way to get things done than to blog?! :)
The end of June/early July began with an eleven day road trip up to Montana. We went through eight different states and put about 3500 miles on our vehicle. It was a great trip. We had our problems, which included a flat tire, check engine lights and a hot night of camping, but the fun and great times outweighed them. Even with the problems we saw God taking tremendous care of us. Like the flat tire.....we were on some treacherous and lonely roads many times, but the flat tire happened ten minutes outside of a town on a flat stretch of highway with a roadside turnout right there. (I apologize for all the prepositional phrases in that sentence.) After four days of camping, we were giving the opportunity to stay in someone's semi-luxurious cabin (the only thing it didn't have was electricity) for the next three days! It was a blessing to us. Not that the camping was bad at all, it was nice to have a permanent place to sleep instead of unpacking and packing up everyday. Here are a few pictures from the trip.
Fishing in Yellowstone NP |
Old Faithful about to spew |
One of the many animals we saw. |
Fishing on a backroads creek. |
I fished too, but I also liked to find a place to sit down! |
July 4th sunset |
One of the places we camped, hard to beat that view from the tent! |
The backdrop Mr. E had for fixing the tire......The Grand Tetons. |
Us |
The view from our semi-luxurious cabin. |
While we were gone, we had a contractor working on our house. He taped, mudded, and textured our new addition and some other things that we changed in the house. He also laid new tile in our livingroom and hallway. Oh yeah, on top of doing the addition we also decided to replace all the flooring in our house. I, the one who likes everything in her house to be neat and tidy and everything in its place, am having to learn lots of patience (and blindness!) with all that is going on. Currently, my dresser is in my livingroom and most of the livingroom furniture is in the kitchen. Mr. E is working so hard to get it all done! The addition was painted last night and the lights were installed. Here are a couple of updated pictures.
We are currently enjoying some cooler weather (70s), with some rain. Thank you Lord! We are in desperate need of rain.
I have more that I could write about, but I need to get moving on with other things.
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