Friday, December 28, 2012

My Family

Yesterday, I was thinking about family, particularly my family.  For the most part, we are a close knit family.  If something interesting happens in our life, other family members will more than likely get a text or a phone call so that they can share in the happening.  We are open, always sharing in each others lives.  I credit my parents for the way we are.

I have the best parents in the entire world.  My parents began to teach us at an early age about the Lord, His saving grace and the wonders that He has done (Psalm 78:4).  They chose to teach us at home, giving us an education that showed us God throughout our studies.  We were given a great example of Christ through their lives, in the way they love us and how they love each other.  Their marriage is a great example to us on how it should be.  We always groaned when they showed affection to one another in front of us, but secretly, we didn't mind it too much.  Dad is a great spiritual leader in the family, standing steadfast in the Scripture, seeking God in decisions that he made.  Mom is a Proverbs 31 woman if I ever saw of these days I hope to be like her.  I love how well she has shown us girls how to be submissive wives.  I couldn't have ask for better parents, they love us all so much!

I also have the best siblings in the world.  They are my best friends now that we are grown up.  They were while we were growing up too, but it is different now that we are adults.  Again, for the most part we are all close, some more than others.  I love that we all have different strengths. I was commenting recently on how nice it is to call different siblings with different problems/questions.  We all have niches that we can help each other with.  I love how we can finish one another's movie quotes and how the in-laws all look at us like we are crazy when we do.  I love it when we are all together laughing at a situation, recalling past events or just laughing at how nuts our family is.  I'm happy that we've had lots of additions to the core group.  Without them, it just wouldn't be the same and we are blessed that they joined us.  One should question their sanity though.....just kidding! :)

There is nothing like family.  Nothing else can replace the group of people that God put you in when you were born.  As crazy as my family can be, I wouldn't trade them for anything!   I miss them a lot but I'm grateful that they are just a phone call away. 

P.S. I'm also happy that I married into another great Godly family, with another great set of parents! I wouldn't trade them for anything either.  The family keeps getting bigger!


  1. Try this one . . ."then tell them to go out and _______" (hahaha!)

  2. "...Mutual, I'm sure!" I couldn't agree more! Can I get a C? L-E-M....oh, wait, wrong chant...

  3. Ruthanne.....dig for some! What is my prize?

    Amy....I had forgotten that chant. I think we need to come up with one that will work for us!

  4. What a sweet post! And you have risen up and called that wonderful mom of your blessed!
