Thursday, June 23, 2011

Camp and other thoughts

I'm such a slacker, a whole month with nothing written from little 'ole me.  It is probably because I've packed a lot into this past month.

Camp was the highlight of June.  Our church took about 180, 5th/6th graders to camp.  It was a good week.  It was so fun to see these kids in worship, singing at the top of their lungs and then watching them listening intently to some great speakers.  We had kids come to know the Lord personally and some other kids just enjoy having a week to focus on their Savior.  Don't get me wrong, we didn't spend every moment learning about God, we had lots of outdoor fun too.  Zipline, hiking, rock wall, swimming, canoeing, fishing are some of the activities that kept them busy.  There were lots of tired campers on the bus ride back home! We returned home on Friday and by Sunday  (after I gotten some sleep) I was ready to go back!  Can't wait until next year.

I realized last week that this year is half over.  Yikes, Christmas will be here before we know it!  I am in awe of how God is blessing my life and continues to take care of me.  Recently someone asked me to share my grief journey and how I was doing now.  I'm not done writing it, but as I began, I couldn't help but remember where I was almost two years ago compared to where I am now.  God is truly a great Savior, Healer, Sustainer, Provider, and Lover.  Everything I need. I've realized in the past years that if you strive for happiness in anything but God, you will continue to do just that, strive, never achieving true happiness and contentment.  The things of this world will fade, only God is eternal.  That is my mini sermon for the day.

Other than hanging out with friends and family and other random things going on my life, it is pretty much status quo.  Looking forward to July and the fun in store for that month.  My social calendar is already filling up!


  1. Dear Beth,
    Today was a treat for me, and I would like to try and tell you about it. Recently I bought your mother's book "The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt". Last night I signed up for the Yahoo group that talks about her book. This morning after being accepted to the Yahoo group, I noticed a letter your mom had written. In the note she mentioned her daughter Beth and also shared that your husband, Jared, had died, and she gave a link to his story. I immediately went to the link and spent the rest of the day reading your journal about your Jared's last weeks on earth. (I am also a RN, and find interest in medical issues). Anyway, after reading your journal, I was touched and had a desire to let you know. I had a thought perhaps I would first write to your mom. Well, this evening, I looked up your mom's blog. I became sidetracked (on your mom's blog) with your sister's blog re: soaps. I then had a thought, wondering if I could figure out if one of your sister's "favorite blogs" listed on the side, might be yours. After reading through your sister's "favorite blog list" the first blog I decided to click on, turned out to be yours! And I am. I would like you to know I am a believer in God and His only son, Jesus Christ. I was blessed with all the scripture you shared on your Sharing Bridge journal, through Jared's and your painful storm. I have been afflicted with chronic illness and am mostly homebound. I struggle more on some days than others, and was truly blessed today, by the different scriptures you shared. The scriptures gave me affirmation my God still has a plan for me, even though I feel rather useless a lot of the time. I was impressed with your stedfast faith in our Heavenly Father during your stormy trial of losing your Jared. I can only imagine what you have been through these past 2 years. I love God's promise in Isaiah 66:13a " As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you...". As I read you have found your all in your Savior, I am positive others are and will be, blessed by your testimony, as I have been. May you also be comforted anew today with His love for you. Knowing that He truly has a plan, and gives you a hope in your future, as you place your trust each minute in Him.
    In prayer for you,

  2. Beverly,

    Thank you for your sweet note! I love hearing from another Christ-follower, and how you found me! I am still in awe that God uses me and my story to speak to others. The Lord has been so amazing in this journey, I can't imagine going through life not knowing Him and the love He has for us. I am sorry to hear about your chronic illness. I can relate a bit to that as one of my family members suffers from that also. You sound like you lean on the Lord and that makes me smile. He does have a plan for both of us and I am so glad that He holds us in the palm of His hand, never letting go!

  3. Hi Beth,
    It was fun to hear back from you. Oh,I so agree, I can't see going thru life without Jesus as my Savior and knowing Him as my friend. We are so fortunate to have His written word to comfort us and teach us.
    In Him,
    "Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him."
