Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

I am at church as I write this watching the snow fall like crazy here in Midland.  No, I'm not in church, I'm working at church.  We are having three Christmas Eve services and we are currently in the middle of the second one.  I get to attend the last one then head home.  You'd think that working on Christmas Eve would be a downer, but honestly, I'm happy to be here.  I know that for many people this may be the only time during the year that they darken the doorway of a church.  They may be with family or just think that they need to attend.  Either way, I'm glad they are here.  If my working today will enable someone to hear the real story of Christmas and perhaps have their life changed, I'm glad to do it. 

I hope that you all have a blessed Christmas and are able to take time to thank the Lord for sending His Son to this earth.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people, and has raised up a horn of salvation for us.  Luke 1:68-69a

Friday, December 16, 2011

December So Far

There is less than 10 days until Christmas!  Can you believe it?  This year has gone by so quickly.  I was talking with someone about how slow the first year was after Jared went to heaven.  Not so the case now, time is just flying.  December has been busy, ok, when isn't my life busy?  I should just say that December has continued at the normal pace of the rest of my year.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was working on a stocking for my sis-in-law.  My grandma started this tradition back when I was little and each one of us has a homemade stocking of some sort, whether it be a needlepoint or quilted stocking made by her.  Grandma, I know you'll see this post and I hope you are glad that we are continuing this tradition.  

We got snow in Midland!  It is beautiful when it snows and we even got a day off because of it.  I couldn't justify staying home so I still went into work.

This next December highlight comes with a warning......if you do not like dead animals, this next picture is not for you.  

I got my first deer!!  I went hunting with Mr. E. and had fun.  We had some doe management tags so that's why I shot a doe.  One of these days I will hopefully get a buck, because I fully plan on hunting again! 

There are some December highlights for you, hope your December is going well and that you are able to slow down and enjoy the holidays.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


.......Mr. E.  Yep, that's right, I am dating a wonderful man.  I haven't know how to introduce him, or for that matter, when I should.  This blog began with a journey that I never thought I would be taking and you all have been there to read my ups and downs.  I came to the conclusion that I would be remiss not to let you in on one of the biggest "ups" that God has brought into my life.  I am one blessed girl and could not be happier! :)