Monday, February 28, 2011


I finally took a picture of the kitchen.  I think it looks better in person.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stopping In

It has been almost a month since my last post.  You have probably figured out that when I don't post, things are going well and that has been the case for the past month.

A few changes in my life:

We began four church services at the church that I both attend and work.  It makes for a long day on Sundays, but it is worth it!  I enjoy being here and seeing what God is doing in this place.  We've had a few more kids in our Children's ministry than we had been having, so it makes it worthwhile!

I have a nicely painted kitchen.  We (me and my roommate) tore the beautiful apple wallpaper border down a few weeks ago.  It came down well, but we still needed to paint.  After that was removed, everything in the kitchen was some shade of brown.  Boring.  Last week, we painted the walls a nice green, kinda sage, but much lighter.  I'll have to take a picture.   Looking forward to doing some other minor home improvements soon!

I am older than I was in the last post.  My birthday was this week and I had a great one. In fact, I had a fabulous day! So much better than last year when I was a basket case and miserable.  I'm thankful for the friends that God has brought into my life who take me out for my birthday.  Also thankful for my family and more friends that threw me a nice party with great food.  We grilled out in 70 degree temps, didn't do that too much when I lived in WI!   God is so good to me, I am truly one blessed woman! 

For the LORD takes pleasure in his people; He adorns the humble with salvation. Let the godly exult in glory; let them sing for joy on their beds. ~ Psalm 149:4-5